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Stand Strong with Center Alliance Party

An Exasperated Dad named Dave who wants to show his children that clear thinking without outside influences i. e. social media and network rhetoric will show that common sense and compromise will lead this nation to a brighter future. 


Center Alliance Pledge

 My name is __________ . I am running as candidate of the new Center Alliance Political Party. I believe the current two-party system is flawed, and current members of congress and the senate are not truly representing their constituents. I am in favor of Term Limits and Campaign Finance Reform. I believe Climate Change is real. I think the United States needs to continue to be firm on immigration. I think hospitals should list the prices of their services.  I think we should legalize marijuana and tax opioid pills. I believe we should encourage the Pledge of Allegiance in schools. I think we should have universal background checks to buy any gun. I think teachers and police officers need a raise. I think cell phones and social media are responsible for the increased levels of depression and anxiety in kids and teenagers. I think the December 2017 tax cuts have only contributed to our soaring federal deficits and should be reversed. I believe the United States needs to use foreign policy and diplomacy to achieve zero world population growth by 2050 as our oceans and air can’t handle our current population. As a member of the Center Alliance Party I promise to work with republicans and democrats to come to the middle to solve so many problems facing our nation with common sense legislation. 


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